At this time, we are shipping only the base rewards included in your pledged reward tier. All add-ons will be shipped in a future shipment wave. When your rewards are shipped, you will receive a shipping notification email with your tracking number. You will also be able to find your tracking number in your backer survey at that time.
As a reminder, we will have three fulfillment shipping waves:
Wave 1 –This is the shipping wave we are working on now. This wave will include all rewards from campaign reward tiers, except for any rewards related directly to the new secret project.
Wave 2 – This wave will begin after Wave 1 ends (currently estimated as early-Spring 2025) and will contain all add-on rewards, except for any rewards related directly to the new secret project. This includes all plushies, coin holders, license plate holders, added books, or other rewards listed as add-ons in your survey.
Wave 3 – This wave will ship in Fall 2025, when the new secret project is completed and released, and will contain all new secret project rewards.